Tag Archives: behavior

The point at which behavior changes

When gas prices reached $3.00/gallon, it didn’t result in much change in driving behavior.  People didn’t seriously start driving less until gas reached $4.00/gallon.  There’s always a point at which people’s behavior changes.  For me, $3.00/gallon was enough.  $5.29 was the point for buying Entenmann’s danish.  And, finally, I’ve reached the point in body weight at which my behavior is going to change.

I got on the scale this morning and weighed – I can’t even believe I’m having to say this – 179.5 pounds.  I have never weighed that much, not even at my heaviest in high school or college. 

That’s it.  I have not been exercising, and I have not been tracking my food on The Daily Plate for quite some time.  This morning, after I got off the scale, both of those things changed.  I pulled out the Reebok step again and did 20 minutes, and I signed back on to The Daily Plate and logged everything in.  I was hungry before lunch, and in the late afternoon, but I managed to make it through the day.  One day at a time.

I now need to lose 25 pounds.  If I can lose one pound per week, which is what The Daily Plate estimates, I’ll reach that goal by around the end of March.  Perfect timing for warm weather.

I will document every pound here, at least once a week – actually I may do it almost every day for a while, just to make sure I get started well.